Conditional Practice – Trapped in a basement

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We’ve been practicing conditionals in our daily English classes for the past couple weeks, which has given me time to really research them and understand their importance for an English learner.

To put it simply, conditionals are the “if” statements that let us discuss how one event depends on another event.

And as it turns out, conditionals are far more common than you might expect. Almost any sentence or thought can be turned into a conditional, including questions, which led to me realizing just how important studying them would be for an aspiring English expert. 

To help you students improve your conditionals, we made this small game that you can use to practice. We took the idea from a meme we saw, and turned it into some interesting practice. So, here you go! Try commenting some of your conditional statements below, and we’ll let you know how you did.

Could you do ten years for ten million?

So, in this hypothetical, you’ll be spending ten years in a basement to earn $10 million USD. Now, you can choose between some options and spend your points to potentially make your life down there a little easier. As you make your choices, write down what you’d bring – We will use them in the exercises later.

Were your choices easy, or difficult? Now that you’ve spent your points, let’s do a little conditional practice so you can become more familiar with them.

In the comments below, write what you chose! Practice using those conditionals because I promise you’ll need them, and many other skills that you can practice in our English classes, if you want to become an advanced speaker. Good luck in your writings, and I hope you enjoyed the game!

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